Tuesday 25 October 2016

Vive l`amitié!

This week the grade 4 students are completing the final side of their friendship cube and gluing all 6 sides together. Next week, they will be presenting their friendship cubes to the class with their partner. French duotangs will be sent home over the weekend for students to practice their lines for the presentation. Students should also be able to ask and respond to the following questions:


Quel est ton sport ou activité préféré?


Mon sport préféré est....

Mon activité préféré est ....


Quel est ton passe-temps préféré?


Mon passe-temps préféré est....


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Bienvenue à la quatrième année 2016-2017!

Allo les quatrièmes et bienvenue à notre blogue! In French, we have been reviewing various vocabulary words and language structures related to our first unit on friendship entitled “Vive l`amitié”. As a culminating task for this unit, students will create a “Friendship Cube/Cube de l`amitié” that will describe their partner`s traits and characteristics, as well as their own. Last week, students interviewed their partner to get information about some of their physical characteristics. Students should be able to ask and respond to the questions listed below.


Comment t`appelles-tu?

Je m`appelle ____________________.


Quel âge as-tu?

J`ai ______________ ans.


Tu as les cheveux de quelle couleur?

J`ai les cheveux ________________. (noirs/bruns/roux/blonds)


Tu as les yeux de quelle couleur?

J`ai les yeux __________________. (bruns/bleus/verts/noisettes)